In other, non-holiday related news my lovely, sweet, germa-phobic roommate has contracted a nasty case of Mono which in a weird way has made it easier for us to spend time together. Yesterday was Sunday and since she was sick and I was exhausted from a 1am iHop run we slept in and talked to each other from our beds on opposite sides of the room. It was nice to have a break and enjoy the quiet before this crazy week of finals started.
Other than that I have enjoyed several restaurant outings with my girls, a couple slightly intense basketball games, a concert and one awesome bro\sis Christmas party for my dorm unit.
That's enough about the rather meaningless activities of life (not that mono is meaningless but you know what I mean).
Since coming back for the last 3 weeks of the semester there was a spot I hit where I really battled with my flesh and with the Enemy. Honestly, it was so hard to admit that I was getting a little bit soft when it came to my commitment, schoolwork and my relationship with God as a whole. I want to be on fire all the time but sometimes myself just gets in the way. Finally I just reached a point where I realized what I was doing and that my heart really needed adjustment. Self-correction is hard. . . Sometimes I think that it is just too much for us when we are consumed with ourself. God is so big that there should be no room for ourselves. I feel like there are a lot of moments in my life when I magnify and overdramatize all the wrong things instead of living in such a way that I am enlarging the reality of God.
"Magnify the Lord Come, magnify the Lord. . ." These few word from the chorus of a worship song made me question what it means to "magnify" God. The word magnify means
1. To make greater in size; enlarge.
2. To cause to appear greater or seem more important than is in fact the case; exaggerate
3. To increase the apparent size of, especially by means of a lens.
4. To glorify or praise.
It is kinda interesting because I never thought about what it means to glorify or magnify God. It means that just like a magnifying glass, my life is the lens that the world looks through to see how big and great God really is. I can't fit the fullness of God inside of me along with selfishness. When I am filled with myself, I am diminishing the One who I have committed my life to Magnify.
Phew. . . that is pretty powerful stuff. He is the one thing no one can overdramatize. The glory of God is such that there is no way we can exaggerate Him. . .
John 3:30
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
30 He must increase, but I must decrease.
Magnificent God, may my life be a lens that increases You and may nothing, not even my own self get cause You to be diminished.